Senzu World Re-Design

Senzu World
6 min readApr 21, 2022


Blockchain Game: New Game Mechanics

During the development of Senzu World as an MMORPG, we witnessed some issues related to NFTs, blockchain and the traditional gaming design/development. For example, currently, “web 2” games save data in a ‘centralized’ manner, with files and databases. We asked ourselves, should a blockchain game still be forced to use these “old” ways?

We are here to break boundaries and forge a new path within the gaming industry. This is why we’re redesigning the game to be as on-chain as possible.

A player’s progression will be loaded by the assets held within their wallet. The game will, then, adjust to maintain its fast-paced playstyle. This is another way we plan to decentralize saving in-game progression while giving power and control to players.

Senzu World: Roguelite

Senzu World will be changing to a Roguelite game. Players will explore the world through ‘runs’ and, if they die, they have to start over. However, the differentiation with Senzu World, even in permadeath, the player has a way to carry on their progression. This is where digital assets (FTs and NFTs) come into play.

Senzu World’s digital assets (fungible and non-fungible tokens) will allow the player to make powerful builds and unlock game features to keep exploring further.

Gameplay in Run

At the start of each run, the player will make their own build (creatures, skills and treasures). Then, they will decide whether to start a new run alone or with friends in a lobby of 4 players.

Players will be able to select three creatures and five skills: two primary attacks, two secondary skills and one ultimate. The players’ stats, such as elemental damage, elemental resistance, and health, will be affected by equipping creatures and treasures.

During the run, the player will earn Currency, Runes and Consumables that will be lost every time the player dies.


Each Run is composed of Arcs, and each Arc will randomly select 2 Biomes.

Within each biome, the player will be required to clear different levels. At the end of each level, the player will be able to pick between two random Runes that will affect their playstyle. See below for additional information about Runes.

After levels 2 and 4, a boss will spawn. Once defeating this creature, the player will receive special rewards and spawn a store. Within the store, the player can buy additional Runes, Consumables and Crafting Items.

After clearing the two biomes from that Arc, a random Legendary Boss from one of the two Biomes will spawn.

After clearing a complete Arc, the player will be able to change the build to prepare better for the next Arc.

The monsters will be stronger and the rewards better as the player progresses through the levels.


As mentioned before, Runes will affect your playstyle during the Run.

They can increase your damage, resistance, stats, skills damage and even cooldowns.

At the end of each level, the player will be able to pick between two Runes. This will give players a way to further personalize their build.

After defeating a boss, the player will be able to buy specific Runes to further focus on a specific build.


Like Runes, Consumables will affect the player’s playstyle by boosting stats, damage, or resistances, but during a small period of time.

These Consumables can be obtained by defeating mobs or bought at the store.

Essence Crystallizer

Concept Art for Essence Crystallizer

This little mysterious mob will spawn randomly and secretly. By defeating the Essence Crystallizer, the player will be rewarded with random Essences (which will be used to summon and upgrade creatures) and special rewards, such as Crafting Items, Runes and Consumables.


By completing levels or by defeating certain mobs, the player will be rewarded with Achievement Tokens. These tokens will be on-chain and they will unlock certain areas and features of the game. This is where the decentralization of player progression will come into play.

Craft Drops

By defeating certain creatures during a Run, they have the possibility to drop Crafting Items. These Items can be used to summon and evolve Creatures, craft Treasures and Cosmetics.


Nothing has changed regarding creatures. The player will be required to defeat creatures in order to gather their essence and craft items. After defeating a creature, the player can summon them to help the player in future Runs.

Each Creature summoned or evolved will be an NFT.

By evolving creatures and equipping them, the player’s item level will increase and by doing so the mobs will be stronger in the Runs too. As explained before, each creature has an element type and its stats. So, equipping creatures will boost the player’s corresponding stats.

Each creature equipped will have three skills, so for every Run, the player will have to choose five skills out of the nine. Preparation is key before the journey!


Treasures will affect the playstyle and unlock certain areas on the map.

Treasures, as NFTs, will not be destroyed after each Run, unlike the Runes, and they can be found across the world and some can be crafted.


Concept Art for Cosmetics

The player will be able to craft Cosmetics to personalize their characters and show off their accomplishments. Each Cosmetic will be an NFT.

Senzu Seeds

Senzu Seeds is the parent NFT collection of Senzu World. Senzu Seeds is an NFT collection of digital trees. By owning these trees, you will gather Leaves and Fruits by completing levels in a Run.

Leaves and Fruits will be essential to summon and evolve Creatures and craft Treasures and Cosmetics.

The original Senzu Seeds total supply was reduced to 1.200.

The next digital tree NFTs, will be less powerful than the genesis collection and will be bought through packs in-game and directly on Efinity. These packs will contain random trees with the possibility to get all rarity tiers, including Rares and Legendaries.

How does the gathering work?

Concept Art for Pet Gatherer

Each family of trees can be spawned on two biomes. When doing a Run, a Companion will run alongside the player and gather all the loot for each level, including Leaves and Fruits.

At the end of each Run, it will tell what it was able to gather.


With these changes, Senzu World will be an official game run by the blockchain. The assets owned by the player will determine the course and playstyle of the game.

Built within Efinity, the game’s transactions will be fast and able to handle the numerous tokens a player will earn throughout the Senzu journey.

Senzu World will be an online fast-paced roguelite game where the player truly owns their items and accomplishments.




Enjin Adopter Program Post

Senzu Seeds Medium

Senzu Seeds Website



Senzu World

Senzu World is a blockchain online game built within Efinity.